Jumpstart your development process with Brimble’s Templates. This guide will show you how to quickly set up projects, leverage popular frontend frameworks, and fully utilize Brimble’s robust features. By using templates, you can accelerate your workflow and focus on building exceptional applications.


Find a Template

Navigate to Brimble’s Template Gallery to select the perfect starting point for your project. The gallery offers a variety of templates tailored to different use cases and frameworks. Use the filters to narrow down your options based on your specific requirements.

Not sure which template to choose? We recommend starting with the popular Next.js template to kickstart your development.

Viewing the templates marketplace


Deploy the Template to Brimble

After selecting your desired template, initiate the deployment process by clicking the Deploy button on the template page. This action will start setting up your project on Brimble, leveraging the template’s predefined configuration to streamline your development workflow.

Deploying your chosen template


Connect Your Git Provider

To streamline updates and deployments, Brimble will create a new repository with your selected Git provider. This setup ensures that every push to the repository triggers an automatic deployment, keeping your project up-to-date effortlessly.

First, choose the Git provider you wish to connect with. After signing in, you’ll need to specify the scope and name for your repository. Brimble will then clone the source code into your Git account, making it easy to manage and collaborate on your project.

Connecting your Git provider and creating a new repository


Deploy the Template to Brimble

After selecting your desired template, initiate the deployment process by clicking the Deploy button on the template page. This action will start setting up your project on Brimble, leveraging the template’s predefined configuration to streamline your development workflow.

Deploying your chosen template


Deploy the Template to Brimble

After selecting your desired template, initiate the deployment process by clicking the Deploy button on the template page. This action will start setting up your project on Brimble, leveraging the template’s predefined configuration to streamline your development workflow.

Deploying your chosen template