Environment Variables

Environment Variables in Brimble are key-value pairs configured outside your source code. These values can vary depending on the environment, allowing your application to adapt its behavior accordingly during the Build Step or during Function execution.

Key Features of Environment Variables:

  • Separation from Source Code:

    • Environment Variables are maintained outside of your source code, enabling different values for different environments (e.g., development, staging, production).
  • Usage:

    • Your source code can read these values to modify its behavior based on the current environment.
  • Security:

    • All values are encrypted at rest and are visible to any user with access to the project.
    • It’s safe to store both non-sensitive and sensitive data, such as API tokens and secrets.
  • Deployment Behavior:

    • Changes to Environment Variables are not retroactive. They only apply to new deployments, ensuring that previous deployments remain unaffected.

By configuring Environment Variables in Brimble, you can securely manage your project’s configuration data, keeping your source code clean and adaptable to different environments.

Declare an Environment Variable

To declare an Environment Variable for your deployment, go to the Environment Variables page of your Project Settings.