Authentication 🔐

Sign in to Brimble CLI

You have to be registered on the waitlist, before you can logged in and use the cli.

To deploy or manage your deployments using Brimble CLI, you need to be signed in and it's quite easy to do that using the command below.

brimble login

After running this command, you would be asked if would like to be authenticated via github. If you provide no, you would have to provide your email address to proceed.

The CLI will request for a one-time password that will be sent to your registered email address, you will need to enter this OTP to authenticate the login attempt.

Authentication with Git

brimble login --auth github

For security reasons, a successful all login session is only valid for two weeks.

Check Login Status

To check who is or if anyone is currently logged in, you can run the following command

brimble whoami

Sign Out

Signing out of Brimble CLI is as easy as you guessed...

brimble logout

By now, you should be successfully logged in to Brimble Cloud in the CLI, let's take a look at how to get your amazing project out there!

Last updated