Welcome to Brimble’s guide on adding and configuring custom domains for your projects. In this guide, we’ll walk you through the process of adding a custom domain to your Brimble project and configuring it for optimal performance.


Brimble offers the flexibility to use custom domains for your projects, allowing you to personalize your project’s URL and enhance its branding. Whether you’re deploying a personal portfolio or a business website, custom domains provide greater control and visibility for your online presence.

Adding a Custom Domain

To add a custom domain to your Brimble project, follow these simple steps:


Go to the Brimble Dashboard

Navigate to the Brimble dashboard where you will see various options such as Overview, Projects, Domains, Integrations, Teams, and Settings.


Click on Projects

Once on the dashboard, click on the “Projects” tab. Here, you’ll find all the projects you have on the Brimble Server.


Access Domain Settings

Within the project details, you’ll see several sections including project details, configuration, analytics, domains, environment, and logs. Click on the “Domains” section.


Add Custom Domain

In the “Domains” section, locate and click on “Add Custom Domain”. This will prompt you to set up a custom domain for your project. You can either set up a domain you already own or purchase a new domain.


Enter Domain Information

Once prompted, enter the domain you wish to add to your project. You’ll see a text input where you can type your custom domain or subdomain.


Add Domain

After entering the domain, click on “Add Domain”.

If the domain doesn’t exist, you’ll receive a warning message indicating that the domain is not found.


Configure DNS Records

Upon adding the custom domain, you’ll see an announcement indicating that the domain is waiting for DNS propagation. You’ll also receive DNS configuration details such as A Record and Nameservers.


DNS Propagation

It may take some time for the changes in DNS records to be applied depending on your DNS provider. Be patient as the changes propagate.


Manage DNS Records

Additionally, you can manage DNS records for your domain directly from the Brimble dashboard. This includes viewing and modifying DNS settings such as TTL, A Records, and Nameservers.

By following these steps, you can seamlessly add and configure custom domains for your Brimble projects, enhancing your project’s branding and accessibility.


By following these steps, you can seamlessly add and configure custom domains for your Brimble projects. Enjoy enhanced branding, improved accessibility, and greater control over your online presence with Brimble’s custom domain feature.

Feel free to explore our documentation for additional resources and support materials to further optimize your Brimble experience.